NO-Wi-Fi in schools or workplaces day
Could you please circulate the information below, thank you. has had a suggestion from a parent for an International NO-Wi-Fi in schools or workplaces day. The idea is to choose three days during the year (one for each school term) where parents of children in schools that use wireless technologies can choose keep their children at home and teachers or employees from other workplaces can choose not to go to work. The aim would be to draw attention to the involuntary exposure of so many people to man-made microwaves. This shouldn’t significantly affect children’s education, although may affect the school’s attendance statistics.
We are interested in feedback about this idea. Do you think this could work? Any comments, suggestions, ideas or concerns please send to Thank you for your help.
Hi WiFi in schools
I believe that the potential danger to children from microwave radiation is so great that the idea has real merit. For this idea to be successful you would have to ensure that the home environment of the children also has no wireless pollution i.e. DECT cordless telephones, Wi-Fi and other wireless devices. I am sure that the wise and more concerned parents would have already taken these precautions, but you may need to educate others.
FCC looking into concerns over Floyd radio tower
Informant: Martin Weatherall has had a suggestion from a parent for an International NO-Wi-Fi in schools or workplaces day. The idea is to choose three days during the year (one for each school term) where parents of children in schools that use wireless technologies can choose keep their children at home and teachers or employees from other workplaces can choose not to go to work. The aim would be to draw attention to the involuntary exposure of so many people to man-made microwaves. This shouldn’t significantly affect children’s education, although may affect the school’s attendance statistics.
We are interested in feedback about this idea. Do you think this could work? Any comments, suggestions, ideas or concerns please send to Thank you for your help.
Hi WiFi in schools
I believe that the potential danger to children from microwave radiation is so great that the idea has real merit. For this idea to be successful you would have to ensure that the home environment of the children also has no wireless pollution i.e. DECT cordless telephones, Wi-Fi and other wireless devices. I am sure that the wise and more concerned parents would have already taken these precautions, but you may need to educate others.
FCC looking into concerns over Floyd radio tower
Informant: Martin Weatherall
rudkla - 20. Jun, 08:33