We have already failed in Afghanistan
Is the Afghan Army a Figment of Washington's Imagination
Afghan cops: More US troops not the answer
Police officials from some of Afghanistan’s most violent regions questioned the need for more American troops, saying Monday it would increase the perception the U.S. is an occupying power and the money would be better spent on local forces. The police were responding to an assessment from Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan, that warned the war was getting worse and could be lost without more troops...
We have already failed in Afghanistan
Delaware Libertarian
by Steve Newton
I understand the calls that will come from my friends on the right, not to abandon our troops, not to make vain the sacrifices already made, not to cut and run. But here’s the unpalatable truth: even if we give McChrystal 45,000 more American troops, and he executes his plan to perfection, thousands more Americans will be killed or wounded over the next three years, and within a decade the situation in Afghanistan will be back to where it was before 2001. Afghanistan is not a failed state, it is a non-state. Since World War Two we have operated under the delusion that the only possible social organization in the modern world is the nation-state with a strong central government. It’s not, and in many cultures it is not even the preference of the people...
Jones still doing penance for war vote
by Kelley B. Vlahos
Walter B. Jones has sent more than 8,000 letters of sympathy to the survivors of U.S. service members killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Republican Congressman from North Carolina keeps writing them — in part as penance, he says, for the vote for war he cast on Oct. 10, 2002. ‘I think I have been forgiven,’ he told me in a recent interview, with a rare note of hope, ‘through all those letters. I really do.’ To say it is extraordinary to hear a United States congressman say he has begged forgiveness from God for a vote he considers a mistake is an understatement...
Afghanistan: It is fish or cut bait time
by Bruce McQuain
Let me begin this by saying I don’t care if you are for or against our being in Afghanistan — we’re there. Staying or leaving are obviously the two options we have at this point. The present political leadership told everyone who would listen as they were campaigning for the job that Afghanistan was the ‘good war’ and the ‘necessary war’ and we needed to prosecute it with an eye on eliminating the threat al Qaeda posed and removing the country as a safe-haven. Given the circumstances and situation there that is a very difficult mission fraught with not only danger but obviously requiring a real commitment in blood and treasure...
Bin Laden knows more about American government than Americans do
Strike the Root
by Robert Johnson
In Osama bin Laden’s most recent message to the American people, he clearly demonstrates that he knows much more about the real workings of American government and politics than the average voting American. Most people who waste their time voting sincerely believe that their vote matters and will make a difference. They don’t realize that the politicians do not have to answer to them, they must instead answer to those who put them in office by giving them grotesque amounts of money and who influence what kind of press coverage they’ll receive. Osama bin Laden knows better!
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Afghan cops: More US troops not the answer
Police officials from some of Afghanistan’s most violent regions questioned the need for more American troops, saying Monday it would increase the perception the U.S. is an occupying power and the money would be better spent on local forces. The police were responding to an assessment from Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan, that warned the war was getting worse and could be lost without more troops...
We have already failed in Afghanistan
Delaware Libertarian
by Steve Newton
I understand the calls that will come from my friends on the right, not to abandon our troops, not to make vain the sacrifices already made, not to cut and run. But here’s the unpalatable truth: even if we give McChrystal 45,000 more American troops, and he executes his plan to perfection, thousands more Americans will be killed or wounded over the next three years, and within a decade the situation in Afghanistan will be back to where it was before 2001. Afghanistan is not a failed state, it is a non-state. Since World War Two we have operated under the delusion that the only possible social organization in the modern world is the nation-state with a strong central government. It’s not, and in many cultures it is not even the preference of the people...
Jones still doing penance for war vote
by Kelley B. Vlahos
Walter B. Jones has sent more than 8,000 letters of sympathy to the survivors of U.S. service members killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Republican Congressman from North Carolina keeps writing them — in part as penance, he says, for the vote for war he cast on Oct. 10, 2002. ‘I think I have been forgiven,’ he told me in a recent interview, with a rare note of hope, ‘through all those letters. I really do.’ To say it is extraordinary to hear a United States congressman say he has begged forgiveness from God for a vote he considers a mistake is an understatement...
Afghanistan: It is fish or cut bait time
by Bruce McQuain
Let me begin this by saying I don’t care if you are for or against our being in Afghanistan — we’re there. Staying or leaving are obviously the two options we have at this point. The present political leadership told everyone who would listen as they were campaigning for the job that Afghanistan was the ‘good war’ and the ‘necessary war’ and we needed to prosecute it with an eye on eliminating the threat al Qaeda posed and removing the country as a safe-haven. Given the circumstances and situation there that is a very difficult mission fraught with not only danger but obviously requiring a real commitment in blood and treasure...
Bin Laden knows more about American government than Americans do
Strike the Root
by Robert Johnson
In Osama bin Laden’s most recent message to the American people, he clearly demonstrates that he knows much more about the real workings of American government and politics than the average voting American. Most people who waste their time voting sincerely believe that their vote matters and will make a difference. They don’t realize that the politicians do not have to answer to them, they must instead answer to those who put them in office by giving them grotesque amounts of money and who influence what kind of press coverage they’ll receive. Osama bin Laden knows better!
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 22. Sep, 06:51