Where Are The CIA Ghost Prisoners?
UN Secret Detention Report Asks, "Where Are The CIA Ghost Prisoners?"
Andy Worthington, Truthout: "A major new report on secret detention policies around the world, conducted by four independent UN human rights experts, concludes that, 'On a global scale, secret detention in connection with counter-terrorist policies remains a serious problem,' and, 'If resorted to in a widespread and systematic manner, secret detention might reach the threshold of a crime against humanity.'"
Obama's Secret Prisons: Night Raids, Hidden Detention Centers, the "Black Jail" and the Dogs of War in Afghanistan
Anand Gopal, TomDispatch.com: "One quiet, wintry night last year in the eastern Afghan town of Khost, a young government employee named Ismatullah simply vanished. He had last been seen in the town's bazaar with a group of friends. Family members scoured Khost's dust-doused streets for days. Village elders contacted Taliban commanders in the area who were wont to kidnap government workers, but they had never heard of the young man. Even the governor got involved, ordering his police to round up nettlesome criminal gangs that sometimes preyed on young bazaar-goers for ransom."
Andy Worthington, Truthout: "A major new report on secret detention policies around the world, conducted by four independent UN human rights experts, concludes that, 'On a global scale, secret detention in connection with counter-terrorist policies remains a serious problem,' and, 'If resorted to in a widespread and systematic manner, secret detention might reach the threshold of a crime against humanity.'"
Obama's Secret Prisons: Night Raids, Hidden Detention Centers, the "Black Jail" and the Dogs of War in Afghanistan
Anand Gopal, TomDispatch.com: "One quiet, wintry night last year in the eastern Afghan town of Khost, a young government employee named Ismatullah simply vanished. He had last been seen in the town's bazaar with a group of friends. Family members scoured Khost's dust-doused streets for days. Village elders contacted Taliban commanders in the area who were wont to kidnap government workers, but they had never heard of the young man. Even the governor got involved, ordering his police to round up nettlesome criminal gangs that sometimes preyed on young bazaar-goers for ransom."
rudkla - 28. Jan, 22:41