Congress votes for Afghan war
The Nation
by Tom Hayden
A plain reading of yesterday’s vote on the Kucinich war powers resolution is that an overwhelming majority of the House has authorized the Afghanistan war, including a majority of Democrats. The war now has greater legitimacy. The vote was 356-65-9. (If Rep. John Conyers had been present, the dissenting bloc would have been 66, including just five Republicans. Few members took the option of abstaining.) Strong Kucinich supporters will feel vindicated that their hero took a lonely stand and forced the House to a moment of choice. Critics will note that a dubious war has been legitimized, and that it will be more complicated for those who voted ‘aye’ to reverse course in the months ahead. The outcome will make the anti-war forces appear weaker for now than they are, and appearances do matter...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by Tom Hayden
A plain reading of yesterday’s vote on the Kucinich war powers resolution is that an overwhelming majority of the House has authorized the Afghanistan war, including a majority of Democrats. The war now has greater legitimacy. The vote was 356-65-9. (If Rep. John Conyers had been present, the dissenting bloc would have been 66, including just five Republicans. Few members took the option of abstaining.) Strong Kucinich supporters will feel vindicated that their hero took a lonely stand and forced the House to a moment of choice. Critics will note that a dubious war has been legitimized, and that it will be more complicated for those who voted ‘aye’ to reverse course in the months ahead. The outcome will make the anti-war forces appear weaker for now than they are, and appearances do matter...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 12. Mär, 10:01