Arizona's War on Immigrants
Dahr Jamail, Truthout: "'A disturbing pattern of legislative activity hostile to ethnic minorities and immigrants has been established with the adoption of an immigration law that may allow for police action targeting individuals on the basis of their perceived ethnic origin,' UN human rights experts said."
New Arizona Bills Continue Targeting of Minority Groups, Critics Say
Yana Kunichoff, Truthout: "Arizona has banned the school district from offering any courses that are designed for students primarily of a certain race, as well as courses that 'promote the overthrow of the US government ... or advocate ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals' - at the risk of losing up to ten percent of their funding. The state has also told schools state-wide that teachers with 'heavy' or 'ungrammatical' accents are no longer allowed to teach English classes."
ACLU Fights Restrictive, Unconstitutional Arizona Law in Court
Yana Kunichoff, Truthout: "The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and a coalition of civil rights groups are tackling Arizona's restrictive immigration law head-on; they filed a class action lawsuit Monday to challenge the new law, which requires police to demand 'papers' from people suspected of being in the United States without proper documentation."
Arizona's New Laws: An Attempt to Secure Cheap Labor?
Paul Ortiz, Truthout: "In the debate surrounding Arizona's laws targeting immigrants and ethnic studies, we've heard very little mention of capitalism and its place in American politics. Senate Bill 1070 is an insurance policy for capitalism, a way to ensure that the cheap labor that serves the foundation of the new economy remains cheap forever. House Bill 2281 is part of a package deal."
ACLU and Civil Rights Groups File Legal Challenge to Arizona Racial Profiling Law
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA): May 29: March Against Hate in Arizona
Economic power: Avoid Arizona and boycott BP
Nolan Chart
by Joel S. Hirschhorn
Money is power. Each of us has it to varying degrees. Our challenge is to use our spending to advance worthy goals. Right now we see economic power being used against the state of Arizona because of the awful legislation recently passed that makes it all too easy for police there to seek proof of citizenship from virtually anyone they choose. Many groups and government entities have already cancelled conferences and other activities in Arizona, sending state and business leaders into a frizzy. They deserve to suffer as do the vast majority of Arizona citizens that supported the legislation. Every American that professes love and respect for the Constitution should avoid spending their tourism and other kinds of spending in Arizona...
Law & Order: Arizona
J. Neil Schulman @ Rational Review
by J. Neil Schulman
Do you notice that I keep saying ‘federal regulations’ rather than law? There is very little actual law involved in determining who is and is not in the country legally. It’s largely a complex maze of bureaucratic regulations designed to sanction federal law-enforcement and Homeland Security officials to bully anyone they want to by threatening to throw them or someone they love out of the country. And a lot of these regulations — and the new Arizona law — operate on the hostage system. By threatening third parties law-enforcement officials can use perfectly legal extortion as a tactic for nullifying any rights or legal protections written down in what’s supposed to be the real law of the land, the Constitution of the United States...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
New Arizona Bills Continue Targeting of Minority Groups, Critics Say
Yana Kunichoff, Truthout: "Arizona has banned the school district from offering any courses that are designed for students primarily of a certain race, as well as courses that 'promote the overthrow of the US government ... or advocate ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals' - at the risk of losing up to ten percent of their funding. The state has also told schools state-wide that teachers with 'heavy' or 'ungrammatical' accents are no longer allowed to teach English classes."
ACLU Fights Restrictive, Unconstitutional Arizona Law in Court
Yana Kunichoff, Truthout: "The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and a coalition of civil rights groups are tackling Arizona's restrictive immigration law head-on; they filed a class action lawsuit Monday to challenge the new law, which requires police to demand 'papers' from people suspected of being in the United States without proper documentation."
Arizona's New Laws: An Attempt to Secure Cheap Labor?
Paul Ortiz, Truthout: "In the debate surrounding Arizona's laws targeting immigrants and ethnic studies, we've heard very little mention of capitalism and its place in American politics. Senate Bill 1070 is an insurance policy for capitalism, a way to ensure that the cheap labor that serves the foundation of the new economy remains cheap forever. House Bill 2281 is part of a package deal."
ACLU and Civil Rights Groups File Legal Challenge to Arizona Racial Profiling Law
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA): May 29: March Against Hate in Arizona
Economic power: Avoid Arizona and boycott BP
Nolan Chart
by Joel S. Hirschhorn
Money is power. Each of us has it to varying degrees. Our challenge is to use our spending to advance worthy goals. Right now we see economic power being used against the state of Arizona because of the awful legislation recently passed that makes it all too easy for police there to seek proof of citizenship from virtually anyone they choose. Many groups and government entities have already cancelled conferences and other activities in Arizona, sending state and business leaders into a frizzy. They deserve to suffer as do the vast majority of Arizona citizens that supported the legislation. Every American that professes love and respect for the Constitution should avoid spending their tourism and other kinds of spending in Arizona...
Law & Order: Arizona
J. Neil Schulman @ Rational Review
by J. Neil Schulman
Do you notice that I keep saying ‘federal regulations’ rather than law? There is very little actual law involved in determining who is and is not in the country legally. It’s largely a complex maze of bureaucratic regulations designed to sanction federal law-enforcement and Homeland Security officials to bully anyone they want to by threatening to throw them or someone they love out of the country. And a lot of these regulations — and the new Arizona law — operate on the hostage system. By threatening third parties law-enforcement officials can use perfectly legal extortion as a tactic for nullifying any rights or legal protections written down in what’s supposed to be the real law of the land, the Constitution of the United States...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 16. Mai, 18:30