ASPERGERS...AUTISM....chronic, close elec field exposures
Sent: 5/20/2010 11:06:23 A.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: ASPERGERS...AUTISM....chronic, close elec field exposures
Subject: ASPERGERS...AUTISM....chronic, close elec field exposures [File note: Review John Elder Robison's website: - Author: "Look Me In The Eye"... jcm..5-20-10.... ]
To: Mr. John Elder Robison [ ]
I have been working as an EMF/EMR researcher (non-accredited) for about two decades. My stories are very long but a quick look at my website will provide an overview [ ] ........ "My mission" is as "volunteer" but I am working to form Guinea Pigs "R" Us as a non-profit charity for the purpose of informing the public of the importance of reducing close, chronic, prolonged electric field exposures that are linked to Leukemia, Alzheimers, autism and numerous other health problems and related symptoms.
I learned about you and your involvement in treating symptoms of Aspergers and autism with transcranial magnetic stimulation.
My husband, Bud, who suffers from what I have named, "Reactive Dementia" (due to sleeping close to an electric clock radio, reduction in melatonin and also harmful, synergystic interaction/reaction as result of long-term statin therapy and loss of protecftive cholesterol to brain), did have one transcranial magnetic stimulation session, but, unfortunately, distance and the fact that insurance does not yet cover such therapy, makes this unavailable to him.
I have been searching for a way to help Bud with home therapy similar to a TENS unit commonly used to help re back pain. I first learned about this possibility after reading the study (link follows) re 10 hz. frequency improving memory in the elderly: .......
I learned about you, your amazing stories and work while enjoying dinner with new-found friends, Gregory and Michele Troy, from Ham Lake, Minnesota. This lovely couple were anxious to share information about you after hearing you speak.
Your involvement with Elms College, plus your expertise re Aspergers and autism may finally be a major driving force re informing the public re "prudent electric field avoidance!" I have been appealing to parents, teachers, school officials, politicians, medical professionals, etc. for years to insitute a simple program throughout schools that will both enlighten the public but also has the potential of reducing approximately one-half of all health problems. I have been unable to find contact information re autism on the Elms College website.
For the sake of brevity (way too much to report), reviewing the link titled "Sheep Sleep" in my flyer (above link), "Are Electronics Harming You?," includes a short commentary re my great newphew ("A"), who exhibited symptoms of ASD. He stopped cuddling after two months of responding normally. In hindsight, we know a major reason for decline is that "A's" crib was in his parent's bedroom for his first two months of life. "Rapid decline" occurred soon after "A" was transferred to his nursery. At about 11 mos., "A's" mom called me over to investigate at which time I measured very high, rapidly changing magnetic fields emanating from sound-emitting objects. "A" had stopped cuddling, developed chronic asthma and ear infections....... : I made note of the fact that "A" was usually found with his head in opposite corner of his crib! "A's" body obviously sensed danger!!! All symptoms "improved dramatically" and "A" began to cuddle once again.
While I and two lovely young ladies from Watertown, Minnesota (fought FM antennae due to increased health problems after installation -- all antennae have now been removed except for emergency communication signals), are in the early stages of planning "Mission Minnesota," (October 2010 .... conference to create awareness re "preventable health problems"), AND we believe your participation would be a great asset, the main purpose in writing to you at this time is to ask for your help in communicating with Elms College re ways to prevent the onset of Aspergers, autism, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Leukemia and numerous other health problems.
I have noted email address and contact person re setting up speaking engagements.
Best wishes to you and your son - Take care - Joanne
Unabhängig von Elektrosmog- und Migräne-Argumenten sorgen sich einige Mediziner wegen der Auswirkungen des Leuchtstofflichts auf den Hormonhaushalt. ...
Der Smog-Grenzwert, der zum Beispiel für Computer-Monitore gilt, wurde um ein Vielfaches überschritten. Als Guter Rat vor zwei Jahren Energiesparlampen ...
Whether or not Robert F. Kennedy was correct about Autism and Vaccines or not... The parallels with this Mercury and Thimerisol issue and the EMF issue are enormous.
Imagine the following Video -- but the topic being -- Electromagnetic Fields and Electromagnetic Radiation....Imagine just filling in the words Thimerisol with EMF, etc...
Listen to what he says about the studies and the corruption.
You WILL LOVE the power and passion of these speeches!!!
I'm telling you --these two videos are truly, truly awesome.
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